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Blanc Pignon: Meet the producer

29 June 2023

We're chatting to the team behind Blanc Pignon, a family-owned dairy farm that's been in operation on the island since 1942. After almost 80 years in business, in 2021, they decided to shake things up by opening their own production side, crafting a whole range of mouth-watering artisanal dairy products using the top-notch milk from their beloved Jersey Herd. We’re so excited to be able to stock some of the range at Coop and trust us when we say that everything they make is truly drool-worthy.  

We spoke with David Leng about the origins of Blanc Pignon and gained some insights into their daily operations, the significance of supporting local businesses, and even asked if they have a favourite product among their delectable offerings. (Hint: it would be very hard to choose).  

Tell us how Blanc Pignon was born?  

Blanc Pignon has been a family owned and run Dairy farm for a very long time, and in 2021 (after much R & D) we decided to open up the production side of the Business, making our own full range of Artisanal Dairy Products. Essentially this was decided as part of a diversification plan, but most importantly to help compliment the high quality milk produced by our beloved Jersey Herd. 


Can you describe an average day on the Blanc Pignon farm?   

Dairy Farming is always an early start. We milk the cows at 5.30 every morning (and again at 3pm every day). The milk required for our daily production is then collected, pasteurised and throughout the day processed into at least 2 of our products. On a normal day we will make at least 2 different flavours of our Gelato and 2 different flavours of our Moolloumi cheese. In between we will make our Butter, Yoghurt & Kefir. We are not a factory so everything is handmade, hand labelled and hand packaged. Deliveries will be made throughout the day as well to ensure that none of our Island wide customers run out of our produce. Our day usually will end around 4.30/5pm but on a Dairy farm there is always something to do and animals to look after, so it may be later! 


How important is it for people to eat local?  

In this day and age it is vital, in my view, to try and eat local and support as many local businesses as possible. We all know, and have read about, the many reasons why this makes sense, but personally I really do like to know where my food comes from, and in particular with animals, how they are treated. The animal welfare standards in Jersey are second to none which is extremely reassuring to me. Food just tastes better when you can see where it has been grown and know it hasn’t travelled for many miles to get to you. Obviously Jersey, agriculturally speaking, would be unable to sustain the whole Island with produce, but there are a huge amount of excellent local businesses making fabulous food and products which need to be supported. Don’t forget also that agriculture keeps the lungs of the island open with the green fields, miles of hedgerows, trees and woodlands. 


What's your favourite Blanc Pignon product?  

It’s impossible to say which is my favourite Blanc Pignon product, they are all delicious in my mind! 

While David might not be able to pick a favourite, you can shop Blanc Pignon at your local Coop and decide for yourself.