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Headway: Trolley dashing to raise cash

10 December 2018

Could YOU do your weekend supermarket shop in just two minutes? What if you were helping a good cause in the process?

On Saturday 1 December, one Jersey family did just that. It was all for the inaugural Headway Trolley Dash at Grand Marché St Helier.

Throughout November Headway had been selling tickets for the dash, and on Wednesday 28 November, the winner was drawn.

The winning ticket holder was Kevin Romeril. His lucky ticket entitled him to two minutes to grab as much as he could from around the store, all for free!

Kevin nominated his son, Daniel to take on the challenge on his behalf. At 7am on Saturday morning, just before he was due to dash, we asked Daniel how he was feeling and what he hoped to pick up:

Without further ado, GoPro cameras in place, and trolley at the starting line, the countdown was on. Bryce Alford from Headway got proceedings underway: 3… 2… 1… GO!

The clock stopped after a tense two minutes, and Daniel had a trolley full of goodies!

In true Supermarket Sweep style, manager Joaquim put the prizes through the till. The Romerils won around £150 worth of goods in total, and Bryce from Headway said it had been a great success, with an amazing £2,500 being raised for Headway Jersey.

Watch out for the next trolley dash... this time it’s in Guernsey, in aid of Guernsey Welfare. Tickets are available from Trinity Church, Trinity Cafe and the dash takes place on Saturday 15 December. The winning ticket will be drawn on Thursday 13 December.

Stay tuned on our community blog to see what happens!