Inspiring the next generation

Inspiring the next generation

At the Coop, we're committed to inspiring the next generation, whether that's through educational projects, community groups or extra curricular activities. We're proud to support so many amazing initiatives that enable young people to do amazing things across the island, so have a scroll and take a loot at projects we've donated to in the past. 

Autumn 2023


Amherst Primary School 

Funding will allow us to set up a dedicated cooking space in school and offer both in-school and out-of-school cooking classes for our children. In addition, we will use the space for family cooking classes led by our family support worker. 

Amount donated: £2,000


Spring 2023


Baubigny Schools PTA

The current St Sampsons High School sports kits (which are primarily used for football fixtures but also other sports as required) are approximately 10 years old and very worn. Education rules state kits can't be labelled with company names so they've not been able to secure sponsorship to cover the cost. 

Category: Inspiring the next generation

Amount donated: £1,200


The Guernsey Botanical Trust LBG

The Gatehouse & Learning Centre is situated at the entrance of the Victorian Walled Kitchen Garden in Saumarez Park.  The money will contribute to the surface finish of the front foyer at the entrance to the Gatehouse.

Category: Inspiring the next generation

Amount donated: £1,500


Le Murier School

The library at Le Murier School needs a total revamp to make it more appealing to students who already face difficulties with their learning. The media centre should serve many functions, including as a central hub for student learning, a place for teachers to collaborate and access technology, and a safe space for the students to relax in so the funding will contribute towards two iPad airs for the students to use. 

Category: Inspiring the next generation

Amount donated: £1,138*


The Clean Earth Trust

Since its inception the team have launched a number of successful initiatives to raise awareness of the growing challenges that face our natural world. They focus on community-led and data-driven projects that create meaningful and measurable impact, alongside campaigns that highlight important local issues concerning the health of our island and its inhabitants. Funds will be spent on the day to day running of the charity for items such as: beach clean items, the van to pick up and drop off beach cleaning equipment and rubbish, storage and upkeep of beach clean and clothes swap and repair café items.

Category: Preserving the local environment

Amount donated: £1,000*


Autumn 2022


GirlGuiding Guernsey 

Purchase of child resuscitation manikins for training: To purchase at least two child resuscitation manikins to be used in training First Response.  This course is undertaken by all leaders who look after girls and young women and is vital for their safety. 

Category: Inspiring the next generation & education

Amount donated: £500 


Spring 2022


Bright Beginnings children's centre 

Funding for support services. A number of services and classes are offered to parents and carers and no charge is made to participants for these. While some participants donate, this is voluntary, and the charity are will use the contribution towards the annual catering costs. 

Category: Inspiring the next generation 

Amount donated: £500


Friends of Sark School (FoSS) 

Sark School Playground Project. We wish to provide commercial play equipment and safety surfacing to create a modern space, focused on fostering creativity and development of the students’ physical skills, and to enrich both the school day, and our islands younger generations futures. 

Category: Inspiring the next generation 

Amount donated: £500* 


Autumn 2021


Forest Primary School 

Funds will enable the diverse community of families and friends whose children attend both the Forest and Le Rondin primary schools to have full access to a safe natural outdoor area. 

Category: Inspiring the next generation & education 

Amount donated: £1,000 


La Mare de Carteret Primary School  

Funds will support a project to create a Nature Education area for a wide range of ages and diversity of educational needs and difficulties. 

Category: Inspiring the next generation & education 

Amount donated: £800* 


RSPB Guernsey Group  

To buy five pairs of good quality, small, lightweight binoculars for children to use on outings, helping school children to learn about local birds and wildlife. 

Category: Inspiring the next generation & education 

Amount donated: £500 


Les Voies School 

The funds will be used update the outdoor quad area into a space that children can bring learning outdoors, as well as facilitate learning about planting, growing and taking responsibility for the area. 

Category: Inspiring the next generation & education 

Amount donated: £700 


Community Savings Guernsey LBG 

To support the set-up of monthly drop-in coffee mornings for islanders needing financial advice and support.  

Category: Inspiring the next generation & education 

Amount donated: £849


Spring 2021


Castel Primary School PTA

Updating the school library to provide a more comfortable and colourful environment for the children to see a wider selection of books and read them in a more stimulating environment.

Category: Inspiring the next generation

Amount donated: £1,000*


The Accidental Zoo LBG

Thrive Outside 2021 is providing 1,033 primary school children with a fortnight of outdoor learning opportunities to inspire their ongoing education. Funds will be spent on equipment hire.

Category: Inspiring the next generation

Amount donated: £507*