Inspiring the next generation
At the Coop, we're committed to inspiring the next generation, whether that's through educational projects, community groups or extra curricular activities. We're proud to support so many amazing initiatives that enable young people to do amazing things across the island, so have a scroll and take a loot at projects we've donated to in the past.
Autumn 2023
Friends of First Tower School
First Tower School would like to create some more social spaces for their children to use as part of their playground development project. To buy some benches that could create some quiet places for children to draw and craft or to gather to chat. These benches would be made from recycled materials - 4 recycled plastic junior benches.
Amount donated: £1,912
Project Linus UK-Jersey, Channel Islands
We need funds to be able to purchase materials for blanketeers. Principally we donate blankets/quilts to children 0-18 who need a physical or emotional hug. Many of the blankets/quilts are made by elderly blanketeers who may be widowed/lonely. It can aid their mental health/keep their minds active. Some blanketeers are on limited budgets & are not always able to supply the materials so we like to do this for them.
Amount donated: £500
Spring 2023
Jersey Association of Child Carers
This funding is for a personalised gazebo the association can use for outdoor family and child events. They will use it to get a a branded Gazebo displaying their Associations name and details.
Amount donated: £1,000
Le Squez Youth Project
Young people love doing arts and crafts, so the youth club want to get some new canvases and supplies for art work and projects that will highlight environmental issues.
Amount donated: £250
St Matthews Church Children's Ministry
The church is starting a forest school which will be available to children and young people in the church catchment (Millbrook and wider areas). The funding will be used to purchase equipment and resources needed to run the school.
Amount donated: £500*
The National Trust for Jersey (charity)
The #LoveNature festival is a weeklong event staged in and around National Trust sites in St Ouen's Bay aimed at all ages. The event includes activities which present the magnificence of the natural environment, aiming to inspire awe and wonder. Funding is required for the event programme (including design and print for e-brochure and hard copy).
Amount donated: £1,000*
Autumn 2022
JAYF (Jersey Association for Youth and Friendship)
Charity Marketing Materials. Having recently launch their new website and brand JAYF, we are looking for funding to purchase charity branded marketing materials.
Amount donated: £619*
Jersey Island Singers
Student support scheme: We are opening our choir to students 16-24 and want to offer musical support to help supplement their education.
Amount donated: £1600*
Jersey Beekeepers' Association
Beefield Viewing Apiary : This part of our project is to have a stock of beekeeping suits that will be available to visiting students, children and guests on our bee field. The purchase of 10 beekeeping suits which are to be kept on the bee field to comply with hive bio security and the reduction of disease transmission. The suits will be available for visiting groups inspecting the bees up close.
Amount donated: £1191
Spring 2022
The Boatman Centre
The Boatman Centre - Education and Wellness. The Boatman Centre aim is for children, families and adults to be supported as quickly as possible, with no long waiting lists, no referral needed and no daunting paperwork. We focus on all aspects of physical, emotional, social, academic, and mental well-being.
Amount donated: £1,000*
Touch Trust Therapy at Mont a L'Abbé School
Touch Trust Therapy Sessions. These provide multisensory touch-based music and movement sessions for children with profound disabilities and complex needs. Funds will help enhance this space with specialist sensory lighting to further provide for the needs of the children and to create a beautiful and inviting space.
Amount donated: £1,698
Autumn 2021
Caring Cooks
To aid the setup of a school kitchen with equipment to run a ‘Let’s Get Cooking Programme’ for school children to learn the importance of nutrition, diet and good food.
Amount donated: £1,000*
The Resolution Centre
Creating a peer mediation scheme in a primary school. The funds will be used to supplement the design, development, delivery and initial set up costs of creating the scheme and rolling it out.
Amount donated: £1,500*
Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust (Jersey Zoo)
To create a trail of sensory and reflective experiences, designed to inspire meaningful connections to nature. Helping to re-connect people with the natural world, and inspire visitors to take responsibility for our planet.
Amount donated: £700*
Spring 2021
Springfield Primary School
To regenerate and make safe a small patch of ground in the playground. This supports 229 pupils and local families who will benefit from the use of the new equipment.
Amount donated: £1,500*
Brighter Futures
Drawing and talking programme, providing a therapeutic environment for children to explore emotional trauma experienced during the Covid-19 situation. Funding for the training costs.
Amount donated: £900*
St Luke’s Church Playgroup
To purchase new items such as Tuff Trays, Baby Playmats/Play Gyms, Musical Instrument Sets, Large Books, Play Kitchen equipment, arts and crafts items and smaller puzzles and educational toys.
Amount donated: £250*

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