Rainbow pizza with broccoli base

Rainbow pizza with broccoli base
Serve up some colour for dinner with this veggie packed pizza
Serves 6  / 
Prep 15 mins  / 
Cook 25 mins


2 large heads broccoli, broken into florets
100g Coop ground almonds
1 tsp rapeseed oil
125g dairy-free soft cheese alternative
3 mixed peppers, chopped
125g red cabbage
Handful basil leaves, shredded
2 x 125g bags Coop baby spinach


Preheat the oven to 220°C/fan 200°C/gas 7

Put the broccoli florets into a food processor and blitz until they resemble fine breadcrumbs — you may need to do this in batches

Dry fry the broccoli crumbs in a large non-stick pan for 8 mins, stirring frequently, to dry it out
Season with black pepper, then transfer to a bowl and set aside

When the broccoli mixture has cooled slightly, stir in the ground almonds and shape into two balls

Put onto lined baking trays and roll out into round pizza bases

Brush with the oil and bake for 8 mins

Remove the bases from the oven

Gently spread them with the soft cheese alternative, then top with the peppers and red cabbage — the bases will be quite soft, so handle with care

Cook for 8 -10 mins more, until the veg has softened

Season, then scatter with the basil leaves and serve with the spinach on the side