What's happening at your Don Street store?

What's happening at your Don Street store?

Your Don Street store in St Helier has been redesigned to create an enhanced store experience our product layout has been reconfigured and our new COOK frozen food department has been installed. 

Alongside these updates, we're excited to introduce and trial several new initiatives aimed at providing greater value to our members and enhancing your shopping experience. We'll be trialling the concept of member pricing, making sure our members get more, and we're also introducing a new sign-up process that takes under five minutes, making it super simple to unlock those member prices.

We're excited to gather feedback on these developments as they unfold in the coming weeks and your thoughts will be invaluable as we strive to improve the overall experience for our valued members and customers. If you have any initial feedback you'd like to share with us, please do so by emailing hello@channelislands.coop. We'd love to hear from you. 

Still have questions? Scroll down to read our FAQs.


What is happening at your Don Street store?

We’re trialling the concept of member prices, because we want members to get more, every time they shop. Our member prices will reward our Coop members with deals in-store. We've also redesigned the store to create an enhanced store experience  our product layout has been reconfigured and our new COOK frozen food department has been installed. 

Alongside these updates, we're excited to introduce our new sign-up process that takes under five minutes, making it super simple to unlock those member prices.


Where is your Don Street store?

Our Don Street store is in St Helier, Jersey, opposite the back of the library.


How can I get member prices?

If you’re a member already, simply enter your share number at the till and you’ll instantly unlock member prices. If you’re not yet a Coop member, scan the QR code in-store, sign up to become a member and you can start shopping with the new, lower prices straight away.

You can also sign up here: <LINK>

How long does it take to become a member?

If you scan the QR code in our Don Street store, it will take you under 5 minutes.


Do I need anything to become a member?

All you need is proof of ID so that we can verify you.


Is the process easy?

It couldn’t be simpler. We've digitalised the whole process, saving our customers time and effort so they can focus on the more enjoyable things. There's no need to come to one of our member services desks anymore — although you’re very welcome to if you prefer to do that. Now, you can simply scan the QR code, verify your identity, and you’ll be good to go.


Why are the prices different in your other stores?

This is a trial of the concept of member pricing, currently taking place in our Don Street store. All our other stores will have the same great prices, delivered via our Price Drop initiative whether you’re a member or not.


Why are you doing this?

These exciting new initiatives are aimed at providing greater value to our members and enhancing your overall shopping experience. As a Coop member, we want to make sure you’re always getting the best deals and we want to make becoming a member simple for everyone. 


Is this because you’re planning to get rid of dividend?

This new member pricing concept that we're trialling in store is designed to complement our dividend offering, not replace it. We want to be able to deliver value to our members everyday, and believe that this is an effective way to do just that. 


Who can I speak to about this?

We have a dedicated Membership Team who will be happy to answer any additional questions or concerns you might have. Please get in touch with them by phone on 01534 879822 or 01481 231155 and ask to speak to our customer relations team or by email hello@channelislands.coop.