As an ethical and responsible retailer, we understand that many consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about our planet, and how the way we shop can affect climate change.
It remains an industry-wide issue that needs a united approach from consumers, manufacturers and retailers, amongst others.
What we are doing:
- In 2008 we led the way in the Channel Islands by levying a 5p charge on one trip carrier bags, seven years before the UK law came into force.We now charge 70p (in Jersey) for a plastic reusable bag, in line with the law that came in July 2022.
- We phased out single-use carrier bags at the end of 2018. We have a plastic bag reuse bin, where you can take a pre-loved carrier bag if you forget yours.
- Signed up to Plastic Free Jersey’s Business Toolkit, committing to three main action points.
- Launched a plastic free produce trial refill station in our Jersey Grand Marché Stores.
- Launched Jersey Dairy refill stations at our Jersey Grand Marchés and loose produce refill station at Grand Marché St Helier.
- We have replaced single use cutlery and stirrers with wooden alternatives.
- We are working with local suppliers to encourage best practice with the materials they use for produce packaging. Black or brown plastic has moved to PET containers which can be widely recycled.
- We are introducing a new bag for life.
Our longer-term aims
Alongside the Co-op Group in the UK, our long term ambition remains for all of our own brand product packaging to be recyclable or reusable – which includes looking at opportunities to reduce hard-to-recycle plastic packaging and include more recycled content.
We set an initial target of 80% of packaging being recyclable or reusable by 2020, and for all own brand packaging to be easily recyclable or reusable by 2023.
We expect to see a number of product-specific changes in the near future that will further demonstrate the Co-op’s commitment to reducing plastic and increasing recyclability in our packaging.
Stay up to date
Keep up to date with our work to tackle this issue, by reading our latest blog posts here:

Why your Co-op isn’t offering customers paper bags.
See more

An update on our plastic free produce trial at Grand Marché stores
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Discussing the issues of single-use plastic and food waste.
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