Preserving the local environment
Looking after the local environment is so important to us at Coop, so we're always happy to support projects that help to preserve some of our gorgeous natural habitats. Have a scroll and read about what we've been up to in Jersey.
Autumn 2023
St Clement Sports Club
The training field needs to be rotavated, levelled, new grass sewn and maintained.
Amount donated: £100
Jersey Barn Owl Conservation Trust
Supporting the JSPCA with the longer-term care of Kestrels, Sparrow Hawks, Long-eared Owls, Buzzards, and Marsh Harriers, that are in distress. The funds will cover the feed for a year.
Amount donated: £500
Jersey National Park
The Centre now attracts a growing multi use base of organisations from schools, holiday clubs, environmental organisations, well-being providers as well as corporate users (away days) Funding will cover the cost of a contractor to sand down and oil our 30-year-old wooden floor.
Amount donated: £2,000
Jersey Marine Conservation
The aim of this project is to gather habitat and species data of our marine species, helping establish the proposed network of protected areas in Jersey’s territorial waters. Funding will support field research, confirming that protecting these sites will help reduce the decline in marine biodiversity, improve the sustainability of our waters as a food resource and enable the sea to absorb the gases that are accelerating climate change.
Amount donated: £2,280
Many Happy Returns Jersey
We would like to buy 5 sets of heavy-duty shelving from B&Q which are £95 each and a hot water urn for approximately £125.
Amount donated: £600
Spring 2023
Guide Dogs for the Blind Association - Jersey Branch
Recycling donated books : Since 1994 we have been holding book sales to raise funds to train guide dogs and have raised £503,000 to date. Funds to cover expenses relating to book sales
Amount donated: £564
Jersey Rugby Football Club Minis & Juniors
Training pitch hedge : Following the felling of the trees which bordered our training pitch, we’d like to plant a new hedge to provide protection from wind and improve the surrounding environment.
Amount donated: £1200
Jersey Mencap
Pond Project : Students from Highlands College and Mont a l'Abbe school access sessions at the pond, spending time in nature and learning about land management. We would really like to enhance our site accessibility with the addition of an eco composting timber toilet.
Amount donated: £1500
Spring 2022
The National Trust for Jersey
Volunteer Engagement. Engaging with the general public, corporates and other charities in conservation and habitat management. To purchase First aid kit, sun hat and sickles for volunteers
Amount donated: £1,203
Carry in Cloth
Cloth Nappy Scheme. To help encourage more parents to give cloth a go and help people on this scheme to choose to reuse.
Amount donated: £600
Autumn 2021
Many Happy Returns Jersey
Many Happy Returns Jersey supplies reusable party kits to offer an accessible and easy way to avoid waste from disposables. Funds will help provide safe, secure storage for party items.
Amount donated: £400*
Spring 2021
Jersey Trees for Life
Purchase a fully lockable secure metal waterproof and fireproof storage unit, allowing the old, broken shed to be reused by the grounds team for shelter and wellbeing during increment weather.
Amount donated: £1,900
National Trust for Jersey
Purchase of equipment for the Plemont Seabird Project, which aims to set up an inter-Island long-term monitoring scheme for seabirds and mammals with the use of automated acoustic recorders.
Amount donated: £1,605
To purchase wildlife nets and soft carriers to assist with the rehabilitation of local wildlife such as garden birds, birds of prey and red squirrels.
Amount donated: £223*

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A diverse and inclusive society means a happier one, so we're committed to helping causes that promote this.
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Take a look at how our Community Fund has supported the ageing population in Jersey.
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